And now, the weekend…

Being willing to donate the taxpayers’ money is not the same as being willing to put your own money where your mouth is.

American economist, philosopher, and author, Thomas Sowell, was born on this day in 1930.

I’m just going to leave that quote right there, lest you think I’m getting political again.

I’ll just add a reminder that my philosophy is that the government takes too much, and spends too much. And the bigger point is that it’s not that we’re not spending enough on social programs, and education, and anything else. It’s that the vast majority of the money we spend never makes it outside of Washington, DC.

You know I’m right.

It’s Friday, we’re heading into a celebratory weekend.

I happen to have both Monday and Tuesday off from the day job. I’ll be spending Saturday and Sunday at the amusement park.

But here we are at mid-point in 2017.

Donald Trump is still President. Obamacare is still the law. And we likely won’t see another episode of House of Cards for at least a year or two.

But, we’ll have fireworks this weekend to celebrate my birthday (there’s still time to shop) and to celebrate a little document that was signed a few years before.

It wasn’t a perfect document, but it was a grand start.

We’re still not perfect. But let’s hope we’re moving in the right direction.

I don’t expect that I’ll be writing much this weekend, or acting either for that matter.

It’s all good. The yard got mowed last night.

And, for Monday and Tuesday, for me anyway, there’s no real agenda. I’ve not been able to say that since about March.

I’m not looking for sympathy. A birthday card with a “little something” in it will do just fine.

I digress.

Like I said, we’re at the mid-point of the year. It’s a good time to reassess those goals and plans. I’m juggling some writing goals and some plans. I’m thinking about some new projects and putting some others on the back burner.

(click the pic)

You might want to take time to do that as well.

This weekend, be thankful for your freedom and for the country in which we live, with all of our wrinkles.


Do You Drink More Coffee Than Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Other Creative Leaders?
Measure your java ingestion against these super-wired creative thinkers.

New Christopher Nolan WWII Movie ‘Dunkirk’ Portrays White People as White, Runs Afoul of Diversity Police

Paul Ryan Explains Why 22 Million Will Be Uninsured, and He’s Got a Point
“What they’re basically saying at the Congressional Budget Office is if you’re not going to force people to buy Obamacare, if you’re not going to force people to buy something that they don’t want, then they won’t buy it,” Ryan said on Fox News of the CBO analysis that cited the 22 million uninsured. “So, it’s not that people are getting pushed off a plan, it’s that people will choose not to buy something they don’t like or want.”

Oh, HAIL, yes…

There was this from last week.

Supreme Court strikes down law blocking disparaging trademarks
CNN, June 19, 2017
The ruling could benefit the NFL’s Washington Redskins, whose trademark was canceled based on the same law in a separate proceeding.

And now there’s this.

Justice Department gives up Washington Redskins name fight
Richmond Times-Dispatch
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department is giving up the legal fight over the name of the Washington Redskins.

Native American group drops lawsuit against Redskins over trademark
RICHMOND, Va. — A lawyer representing several Native Americans suing the Washington Redskins over their trademark protection says the group is dropping their case.

The Bubble: Trump’s Mika tweets are distracting from health care and Russia

Well, of course they are. Haven’t you folks learned yet that’s why he does it?

Finally, American actress, and singer, Lena Horne, was born on this day in 1917 (died 2010).

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BirthdayBorn on this DayCelebrationLena HorneThomas SowellWeekend