Just in Case

“Do you think we should drive a stake through his heart, just in case?”

Slovak-American actor and singer, Peter Lorre, was born on this day in 1904 (died 1964). Lorre made this comment to Vincent Price at the funeral of actor Bela Lugosi, veteran horror movie actor known for such roles as Count Dracula.

You can never be too cautious around a vampire…or a Monday.

I’ve never been a big fan of horror movies. If it’s scarier than Young Frankenstein, I’m generally not interested.

It’s not so much that I’m scared of the monsters. After all, I spend most of my Fall weekends with a park full of monsters. It’s the whole concept of being startled.

I don’t like being startled, scared if you will. I don’t like surprises.

I don’t like the unknown.

If it’s bad news, tell me straight up. We’ll go from there.

It’s like when the doctor told me I had a better than 95% chance of having cancer.

I wanted to know if it would hurt and if I would throw up.

The answer was yes.

I’m also not inclined to write horror stories. My currently-on-hold-whilst-I-finish-the-script novel may or may not have a murder, or two. It’s still a work in progress.

As for the script, well, I think it’s ready for other folks to read.

What I know is that I have a compelling story. It is yet to be determined whether I have a compelling script.

It’s Monday and we’re heading into, for me anyway, a four-day weekend away from the regular job, and perhaps a break from my weekend job.

We’re also heading, rather quickly, toward my next birthday.

It’s not really a milestone birthday. At the same time, it’s nothing to snark at.

Mug Shots
(click the pic)

I suppose that I’m at the age when I should be looking toward retirement, and I am, but just from the day job.

I don’t see myself retiring and spending time on the golf course. Especially since I’ve never really spent any time on the golf course.

No, when I get to retire from the day job it will simply be in order to free up my time to do something else.

I don’t plan to stop. I’ll keep going with something as long as it’s humanly possible.

I suppose I’m not quite old enough to be talking like that. Then again, maybe I am.

None of us have a guarantee of one more day. I may or may not have another twenty to thirty years. More if I get my butt back to the gym and watch what I’m eating.

What I want to do is make every day count, whether it’s one day or multiple thousands of days.

Even if it’s a Monday.

Five Things to Start Your Week.

Schapiro: No matter what national Democrats say, Virginia’s is a state election
The Richmond Times Dispatch

CNN Is Imposing Strict New Rules On Its Russia Coverage
The decision came after the network deleted and retracted a post on Friday.

The Most Important Marketing Decision You’ll Make as an Author
Goins Writer

You know this is true…

Finally, this past weekend was a reunion weekend at Asbury University for one of my wife’s classes. It’s a long story but she was part of the classes of 1981 and 1982. On the other hand, I was part of the classes of 1980 and 1983. It’s complicated. But as I was seeing pictures and feeling twinge of regret that we were unable, for multiple reasons, to be there this year. I was also reminded of the wonderful times of singing hymns in our college chapel. I miss those times in chapel, and I miss those hymns. Here’s one of my favorites.

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Born on this DayFive ThingsGreat is Thy FaithfulnessHymnsMondayPeter LorreSchedulesWriting and Business