No, No, No

IMAGE: Jose Murillo via Unsplash

If God had wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates.

American comedian, talk show host, and producer, Jay Leno, was born on this day in 1950

This is not a political post. Other than to say, seriously, would it be such a bad thing to kick them all out and start all over?

Two words: Citizen. Legislature.

Read about it. It will do you good.

We’ve made it to Friday. Oh, how we need it.

I, for one, have been working to adjust my weekend schedule to give me some breathing room. Without giving too much detail, last weekend I spent eleven hours on a movie set (don’t ask/can’t tell), and then worked two days at the park…before going back to work on Monday.

It’s all good. You’ve heard me say it before. These are the choices I made.

But, as much as I hate to admit it, the pace is not sustainable.

So, I’m learning that the world “No” is a perfectly valid word.

The more I use it, the more I like it.

Phonetically it’s not as much fun to say as some other words but, when used the right way, it could have a lasting impact.

Get your mind out of the gutter.

No. It’s a good word.

One I’d like to get to know a little better.

In other news, Swedish-American actress, singer, and dancer, Ann-Margret, was born on this day in 1941.


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Ann-MargretFriday. Born on this DayNo