Hail Friday

Image: Darrell Cassell via Unsplash

Blessed art thou among weekdays.

I mean no disrespect. I just love Fridays.

My work week has been shortened by aforementioned trip back in time so I’m welcoming an extended weekend. Still, when I return on Saturday I’ll hit the ground running again…or walking briskly. I don’t run.

In fact here in the hometown I’ll probably not even do a lot of walking.

But a new week, new chores, new responsibilities, and yes, a new weekend job awaits.

I’ve alluded to this before. I’ll be working in Merchandise at Kings’ Dominion on weekends this summer. In fact, as of right now, my entire family will be working there at various times and in varying capacities.

For me that all kicks off with training on Sunday.

I’ve worked this job before but it’s been a few years, so training will be a good thing.

People think I’m crazy for working the weekends. But hey, the cash helps, and I actually like being in an amusement park.

In reality, I’m just trading one aspect of busyness with another. It’s okay. It’s what I do.

Still, it’s nice to have a weekend, or a partial weekend where things sort of stop for a while.

No, they won’t really stop. I won’t put away the social media, or the books, or the writing.

It’s like when we go to the beach house (relax, it’s a rental, we don’t own it). We arrive on Sunday and I’m well into Tuesday before I’m completely able to slow down and not feel like I have to be doing something.

I don’t know when life changed for Americans in that weekends and evenings became busy times and not times to sit down on the porch with a Mint Julep…or in my hometown a lemonade…

I don’t know. Maybe I have it all wrong.

Maybe life was never simple. Maybe my parents were busy all the time with things they had to do and worry about. I don’t remember it that way.

Then again I doubt very seriously that my boys remember life that way either. Even today.

That’s not the point.

It’s the weekend.

Try to find some time to do nothing.

Unless the act of finding that time becomes stressful because it’s just another thing you have to do.




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