My Plate Runneth Over

Photo: Zugr via Unsplash

I’ve had great success being a total idiot.

– American Actor, singer, director, producer, and screenwriter, Jerry Lewis, was born on this day in 1926.

Well, that’s comforting.

My plate runneth over.

Truth is, my plate runneth over and I’m making some healthier choices.

I’m not sure that’s the best way to put that.

True, I gave up sugar and white flour for Lent. I’m doing much better with the no sugar part, although I am distraught over the fact that the entire box of Do-si-dos is gone. Sure there are Thin Mints, and the freezer and the Samoas have been sequestered in an undisclosed location.

But this may be the first year in decades that I’ve not had the first Do-si-do.

Oh, how we suffer.

I’ll survive.

Spring appears to be here and Summer approaches. I can’t wait.

I am not a fan of winter.

Oh sure, I love the picturesque, snowy scenes that come on Christmas cards. And, White Christmas is one of my favorite movies.

But Donovan’s Reef is also one of my favorite Christmas movies. Give me the tropical version every time.

Just like Winter is transitioning into Spring, I’m in a bit of transition.

I’m making adjustments to the time commitments. I’m adjusting where I’m writing, and preparing to take a brief vacation, of sorts, from the stage.

I’m in the midst of rehearsals for my next show, having closed the last just over a week ago. After that I have two performances for two different events in April (details below), then I’m taking some time off from the stage. Not to worry, it’s temporary.

It won’t even be long enough to start my next Playbill bio with “after an extended hiatus, Mike makes his triumphant return to the stage…”

Casting directors take note.

As I say all of this theaters are announcing their new seasons.

I could play that part…and that part…and that part.

But, I promise you, and myself, I won’t again try to play them all at the same time.

It’s the week after the Daylight (not really) Saving Time Spring Forward. It’s also the day after the Ides of March, and I find myself wondering if Brutus should have gone after the creator of Daylight Saving Time rather than Caesar.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not advocating violence to end DST…well…unless it might work.

No, seriously. Violence isn’t the answer.

And it’s not the answer in the Presidential race. There’s a lot of finger pointing going on. There’s violence and people trying to incite violence. And there’s vandalism, and more.

What the hell is wrong with people?

I don’t really know who started it all, and it certainly didn’t begin with just Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.

But it needs to stop. People need to calm the %$^& down. [Insert the expletive of your choice as long as it makes the point.]

I know politics and government can be a volatile business. I mean, our country’s freedom was obtained with violence.

I’ve been listening to the cast recording of Hamilton. Hamilton died in a duel with Aaron Burr. That’s not a spoiler, and if it is you need to read more American history. It will do you good.

I don’t know the solution. As follower of Christ I used to believe that our leaders should follow the Judaeo-Christian values upon which this country was founded (yes, it was, read your history). I still believe that it’s important to remember those values, but I don’t think someone needs to claim the name of Christ to be elected.

However I believe that if they DO claim it, they’d better be pretty familiar with what he said. I don’t really see that in any of the current candidates. Sorry. Not sorry.

Regardless of your values or beliefs it’s important to remember that Jesus never advocated the government as the solution.

He didn’t expect the Romans to keep the Samaritans out of Jerusalem any more than he expected the Romans to feed and clothe the poor.

Oh. Snap.

As frightening and horrifying as this process is to watch, it’s also fascinating. Everybody loves a circus, unless you’re the elephants (making their last appearance in Richmond this past weekend).

I couldn’t write a better novel. Well, actually I could.

Maybe I will.

Just as soon as I clean my plate.

Meanwhile, look for me on stage:

I Ought to Be in Pictures
Jewish Family Theatre
March 31 – April 10, 2016
The Impressario
Mozart Festival 2016
Capitol Opera Richmond/Classical Revolution RVA
April 16
Murder at the Spring Fling
CAT Theatre
April 16


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