False Start


This is not the blog post I was looking for.

Not to belabor the point, but my site was hacked last week. Initially my ISP was able to restore it to December 7, 2015. After I threatened nuclear annihilation they were able to restore it to December 25. Still, I lost a week’s worth of work, some images on previous posts, and you were deprived a week’s worth of holiday brilliance.

I found this out in the midst of preparations for Fairies and Gentlemen, the New Year’s Eve event I co-produced that you are very, very, very sorry to have missed. We brought the New Year in in fine 1909 style at a little home in London.

This morning, or it’s almost this afternoon, we’re too tired to talk about what we might do next. Just know that there will be a next.

Last week was such a whirlwind of final activities for the event that I got off track on my writing schedule. I did not launch the new plans that I had for today.

Don’t judge.

Truth is, I’d already been recalculating and reassessing whether the plan was achievable at all. I think it was, and is, but it just didn’t get kicked off today. And, one aspect at least, needed to start today to “work.”

It’s okay. I’ll just regroup.

Right now, I’m writing this with the Rose Parade on in the background. Later my friend and business associate is coming over to help consume leftover custom desserts that you are very, very, very sorry to have missed last evening.

Today is about hanging out and recovery. We’ll close up the books on this event next week (as well as returning borrowed set pieces and costumes), and then we’ll make a plan to move on. I generally don’t like the unknown. But, in this case, it’s okay.

I wasn’t silly enough to think that I could start the new year at the gym. Never mind that I also threw my back out last night. But I’ll be there Monday.

Being so worn out from the last week of 2015, it’s hard to see today as a new beginning.

But, I’m sorting through the mess that my office has become, making some plans, and taking things slowly.

It all comes down to this, I don’t know if I’m so much excited about 2016. I am, however, determined to make some things different.

One of the posts I lost this week was my annual “More or Less” post where I talk about how I did in the past year and how I plan to work on making things better in the New Year. I don’t do resolutions, although I did include some things I plan to specifically do this year. I also talked about how, for 365 days of 2015 I was either in rehearsals or production or performance for theatrical events. A bit amazing, if also not a bit insane. I’m not sure if I’m going to try to recreate those posts.

Maybe after more coffee. Unfortunately, in the rush that’s what we forgot at the store.

Did I mention we live with a barista?

I digress.

This isn’t the Happy New Year post that I would have wanted. I think I need a nap.

Chris Brogan encourages his followers to pick three words for the year. I haven’t done that for a few years.

If I had to choose them this morning for 2016 they would be: Recovering, Regrouping, Retiring.

Maybe I shouldn’t go down that road.

Was this the start I wanted to 2016?


Am I going to let that stop me?

Oh. Hell. No.

Stay tuned. After a nap and clearing out a few bags of excess papers, I’ll be back soon to offer you your daily ration of brilliance.

On a different note, as I was writing this I saw the news that singer Natalie Cole has passed away. I saw her perform the National Anthem at the 1994 Super Bowl in Atlanta, back when I was doing politics and events of a different kind.

May she rest in peace.

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2016GoalsMore or LessNew YearPlansWriting and Business