Thursday Randomness

PHOTO: Sebastian Unrau via Unsplash

No one says a novel has to be one thing. It can be anything it wants to be, a vaudeville show, the six
o’clock news, the mumblings of wild men saddled by demons.

– Ishmael Reed

I once escorted Ishmael Reed on a book tour around Washington, D.C. That’s a true story.

I was between jobs and was working part-time for a friend who ran an escort service for authors.

Your mind. Out of the gutter. Now.

It was a company that escorted authors around town to media outlets when they were promoting their books.
I always meant to read some of Reed’s works, but I never got around to it. Maybe one day I will.

But I like his perspective on the novel. While I’m not doing Nanowrimo, I am continuing to work on the
first of what I hope is several novels to be published. I’ve written them over the years mostly during
Nanowrimo and a few years back I devised a way to tie them all together. Not so much a series, but
connected with the characters.

Yesterday was Veteran’s Day. A work holiday for me. Well, from the day/survival job.

I managed to fill the day up with meetings and yard work.

I like to walk on the wild side.

Speaking of wild, Richmond’s own Evan McKeel made it to the final 12 on NBC’s The Voice last night.

I’ve known Evan since he was very young. Okay, he’s still very young, but work with me. I’ve watched him
grow up in our church performing in children’s choir, in youth choir, and in our Christmas productions.

He’s incredibly talented and an all around good guy.

Regardless of where he goes from here, he’s made his church, his city, and, oh yeah, his parents very

Watch next week. Then vote for him. Early and often.

It’s been an interesting week on the blog. Monday’s Starbucks rant was my best day ever. I wonder if any of those people will come back. And if they do, what do I write about next?

I’m behind on my writing plan. I’m losing my weekends to rehearsals and events, so I’m generally cranking these out after the work day and whatever evening event I come up with.

That’s not the plan. But it takes work to be brilliant all the time.

Sorry, I’m rambling. Brilliantly so, but still rambling.

Come back tomorrow. I promise it gets better.

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#skinnyeEvan McKeelLifeRandomstarbucksThe VoiceThursday