Am I writing Forgettable Content?

Mark Hermann at Boost Blog Traffic writes:

If you ever want a shot at worldwide recognition you have to begin by putting your work out there where people can find it and interact with it.

And you’re not going to have anyone else to blame for this. You own it. Unbelievable as it may sound, your work could actually succeed too. It might just resonate with an audience.

There’s only one way to find out.

(Yes, that means you actually have to hit the Publish button.)

via An Open Letter to All the Bloggers Cluttering the Web with Forgettable Content.

Am I writing stuff that audiences want to see and read?  Or am I writing forgettable content?

Am I still in relative blog obscurity just because I’m not marketing well?  Or because I’m posting garbage?

I’m determined to make this writing thing work.  And for a while it may take re-reading Hermann’s article on a daily basis.

Just after I hit “publish.”

AudienceBloggingReachWriting and Business