Dude, where’s my novel?

I had this all figured out.

I went to the beach with copies of all the novels I’ve started or finished with the intent of picking one that I will edit and submit within a year.

My personally imposed deadline is August 31, 2013. I’m already behind.

It started out so well. But I got home and suddenly it’s September. School started. Work on the Christmas production started. Glee started (did I type that outloud?). And on top of that, I have actual paying deadlines to meet.

This morning I’ve been working on some of those deadlines. But I need to get out of here in few minutes to work on yard recovery.

Then we’re off to a festival (to be blogged about), a political fundraiser (to be blogged about and the restaurant location reviewed) and then a neighborhood picnic where adult entertainment beverages will no doubt be consumed.

Tomorrow it’s church, maybe bleaching the siding on the house (see recovery), picking up the boy after youth retreat. Then I have to finish the paying deadlines.

And it’s campaign season.

Monday, it starts all over again. And did I mention I haven’t been making it to the Y?

Earlier this week I posted a link to Eight Secrets Which Writers Won’t Tell You. My two top entries on that list? Writing is hard and we all procrastinate.

I’m going to have to address both of those if this writing thing is going to work out.

I have 350 days. And the clock is ticking.

DeadlinesNovelProcrastinationWriting and Business