Every day I’m hovering, hovering

Nasty tricksey scales. We hates them.

Since I got serious about the whole weight/fitness thing, I’m down somewhere between 20 and 25 pounds. It really depends on what day of the week I’m weighing in.

The first two months, April and May, I managed to hit my goal of 10 lbs. each month. Not so much for June.

Since about mid June I’ve gone between being 20 lbs. down to as much as 25 lbs. down depending on the day of the week that I weigh. I check the weight every day, but generally only count the Monday/post weekend number.

So, why the rapid success at the beginning and the slow down?

I’m assured by friends that muscle weighs more than fat, so maybe I’ve developed some muscle. I do know that I’m feeling better, my clothes are fitting better (and some are just simply too large). So maybe that’s part of it.

But why isn’t the scale also moving? I realize that in that time we’ve had a couple of birthdays (mine included), Father’s Day, Independence Day and a couple of other social events. I also realize that the older son is home from college for the summer and that’s changed our home eating habits a bit. And my wife is in the final weeks of recovery from a broken ankle so we’ve had a wave of convenience/comfort food. But I don’t think to excess.

And now that it’s dangerous heat and monsoon season, I’m not walking at lunch.

Because I’ve been or at least have felt extra busy, I’ve slacked off on using the Lose It app on my phone. Sometimes when I know I’ve gone over the limit, I just haven’t bothered. I need to work on that consistently.

Whatever the reason, the scales just aren’t moving as I want them to. It seems I’m way too early in this process to have reached a plateau.

So, a couple of weeks ago I upped the cardio. Now instead of swimming every day, I’m alternating with the treadmill. Maybe that will help.

Or maybe I’m at the point that I need another kickstart, or need to hit the reset button.

I’m running the risk of reaching the end of July without having hit the end of June goal. And I don’t like that.

I know I’m going in the right direction. And I’m not going to allow the scales to go back up.

But I’m not moving quickly enough in the right direction. So it’s time to reassess.

Darn it.

What’s working for you?

exerciseFitnessHealthSwimmingWeight Lossymca
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