Storming Weather

“All of my words, if not well put or well taken, are well meant.”

American singer-songwriter and guitarist, Woodie Guthrie, was born on this day in 1912 (d. 1967)

Today is Bastille Day, or French National Day, which commemorates the beginning of the French Revolution with the Storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789. I don’t normally observe Bastille Day, my French Huguenot relatives having left in the late 1600s before settling just a little west of here on the James River.

I’m not feeling particularly stormish today. Truth is, I’m adjusting to the new telework/non-telework schedule. I spent the first three days of the week in the office downtown. That’s my new pattern for the duration.

I’m not ready to discuss how long that will be.

Besides as I said, by the time the Bastille needed stormage my people were already here fighting my native ancestors. A story for another time, like when I feel I can spend the monthly fee for

Of course if you want to be a blessing…

I digress.

I may not be storming anything today, but I’m making some decisions which I may or may not talk about at a later date.

And, while waiting for Windows to update (I’m assuming the other three horsemen were otherwise occupied), I found the notes for…wait for it…another project.

It’s another day where we have to look at all of the things demanding our time and then prioritize the ones that have to get done as opposed to the ones we want to get done.

Mug Shots

Sometimes we get to do both.

You have your own list. So, thanks for reading.

Now go, seize your day.






1910 – William Hanna, American animator, director, producer, actor, co-founded Hanna-Barbera (d. 2001)
1913 – Gerald Ford, 38th President of the United States (d. 2006)
1918 – Ingmar Bergman, Swedish director, producer, and screenwriter (d. 2007)
1918 – Arthur Laurents, American director, screenwriter, and playwright (d. 2011)
1926 – Harry Dean Stanton, American actor, musician, and singer (d. 2017)
1930 – Polly Bergen, American actress and singer (d. 2014)
1932 – Rosey Grier, American football player and actor


Jill Biden’s Hard Lesson about the New Reality
National Review
What Jill Biden does have is a certain tone-deafness and presumptuousness toward them — and likely toward lots of other people — along with far too much confidence that every word that drips from her lips is a gift on par with manna from heaven. This is a trait she shares with her husband. Read More.

62,000 Unvaccinated Guards, Reserve Soldiers Facing Loss of Pay as Army Prepares to Enforce Vaccine Mandate
The Epoch Times
The deadline for the Defense Department’s vaccination mandate passed at midnight on June 30. The order cuts off pay and some of the military benefits to the 62,000 service members. Read More.

How Jill Biden Describes Each Ethnicity
The Babylon Bee
Jill Biden recently referred to Latino people as “Breakfast Tacos,” eschewing the more politically correct term, “Brxxkfst Txcxs.” Despite her faux pas, this isn’t the first time she’s used colorful language to describe some ethnicities. Read More.


Peace be to the brothers, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible.

Ephesians 6:23-24

Bastille DayBorn on this DayDecisionsFranceHistoryHuguenotsListsProjectsSeize the DayTeleworkThursdayWoody Guthrie