Giles County: You may display these 10…no, these 6 Commandments (exclusive footage)

Jason Johnson has the story at Bearing Drift: Censoring Significance: Giles County and the Unoffensive Six Commandments

In federal court in Roanoke, Judge Michael Urbanski has suggested that perhaps just six of the commandments could be displayed. He seems to be attempting to save the Giles County School Board the cost of dragging this out in the courts.

We’ve got exclusive footage of the decision:

But as local Pastor Shahn Wilburn, the man behind the original displays following the 9/11 attacks says, “That was an interesting suggestion. As a pastor I don’t feel that I have the right to edit the Commandments.”

That’s pretty much it. It’s all or nothing.

As I wrote here in February of last year:

God remains God. Truth remains truth. The Ten Commandments and Judeo-Christian values played a strong part in the formation of this Country and our system of law.

Removing them from the walls of our schools doesn’t change that any more than the President’s selective editing of the Declaration of Independence implies that our rights were not “endowed by our Creator.”

Meanwhile, Chris Freund at the Family Foundation says Let’s Have A Referenda On Ten Commandments:

Freund writes: Let’s put the Ten Commandments to a vote. Put all ten on the ballot, but you only get to keep five. The top five vote-getters stay, the bottom five, well, too bad. After all God, we know better than You about these things. Times have changed. We’re, well, progressive. Your silly rules are just so oppressive.

Cross posted at The Richmond Bible Examiner

ACLUBearing DriftConstitutionGiles CountyTen Commandments