By Mike on

With Apologies to Marie Kondo

By Mike on

Every Other Day is Fine

What? You mean we don’t trust the government?

Economy, Gas, Partisanship and War Gang Up on Confidence in Government Confidence in the U.S. System of Government Drops to a 35-Year Low ABCNews Confidence in the U.S. system of government has dropped to a new low in more than 35 years, with public attitudes burdened by continued economic discontent, soaring gasoline prices, record opposition …

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Barone: On Libya and Budget, President Obama Votes ‘Present’

Michael  Barone: In the Illinois legislature, state Sen. Barack Obama voted “present” 129 times. Today, he seems to be voting present on two major issues, Libya and the budget. via On Libya and Budget, President Obama Votes ‘Present’ – Page 1 – Michael Barone – Townhall Conservative.