Every Other Day is Fine

Dismal Falls, Giles/Bland Counties, Virginia

It’s Monday, again.

I’ll spare you the “but I’m retired memes.” But, of course I am.

Part of me feels like the Dowager Countess from Downton Abbey asking “what is a weekend?”

I’m not quite up to her lifestyle, so I still know what weekends are.

And I know what Mondays are.

Today is a day of regrouping.

I realized that, with my show, with travel, and with other commitments that today is the first day since my retirement (granted it’s only been two weeks), that I don’t have to go out.

And I just might not.

Instead, it’s a day to take a breath. To regroup.

People keep asking me what I’m doing now that I’m a man of leisure.

River City Community Players
September 13-14, 20-21

My general response is that if you ever thing I’ve been, or will be, a man of leisure, then you don’t really know who I am.

My show opened over the weekend, and we have three more performances this Friday and Saturday. In spite of the fact that I’ve said this will likely be my last stage show, I signed up for an audition slot for another play.

I have two active writing projects. When they’re ready to be talked about, you know I will.

And if you haven’t looked at the calendar, we’re officially 100 days from Christmas. My season starts in about a month and a half.

It seems that other than “Going Downtown” my to do list hasn’t really changed.

Still, Mondays aren’t quite as painful as they used to be.

And that’s just fine.

ChristmasDownton AbbeyleisureMondayretireWeekendWrite