Did You Miss Me?

Image: Freddy Castro via Unsplash

Well, I’m back, I think.

When last we met I told you I was contemplating abandoning this blog and perhaps focusing my writing over on my author page: Michael R. Fletcher VA.

That’s been my plan over the last month and a half. Until I officially retired this past weekend.

I’ve put too much time and effort into this blog just to let it go.

Truth is, there was just a lot going on in July. And I do mean a lot.

If you know, you know. If not, maybe I’ll put it in a book some day.

All that to say that Saturday morning, my last “official” day of employment. I started rethinking the writing

Morning Cup 9/3/2024

and the blog.

For a long time leading up to retirement and really to the last post in July, I was making plans for social media interaction, art projects, things to posts, things to sell, and it was causing not a small amount of stress.

I finally told myself “no, I don’t need to do that.”

I don’t need to figure out how to be an influencer, or a marketer, or an online coach, or any of that.

I just need to be me. I need to write. I need to create art.

If it catches on fire and makes me a bazillionaire, then great.

If not. I’ll be just fine.

And, for now anyway, I’ll be right here.

Well, maybe not every day.

GoalsMichael R. Fletcher VAmorning cupRetirementSeptemberThe Morning CupWriting and Business