All My Bags are Packed

Photo by Erwan Hesry on Unsplash

But where do I go?

I wish I was writing a post about the next Old Man Bucket List Road Trip (™).

I wish I could tell you that I was off on the long-anticipated European river cruise.

Instead, this is a post about taking a break from the blog.

I’ve tried in the last few weeks to spruce things up around here. It’s taken a lot of time, and I question the rate of return.

The challenge (one of them) of being an agent-less writer, is that you have to do your own promotion.

I appreciate those of you who are loyal readers. But this pace is not sustainable.

Working on daily blog posts with or without the “extras” is taking me away from the next CAT and PIG book, and from the novel that I recently removed the digital dust from.

Perhaps, as I’ve said before, if this were my only job, I could keep this going.

I’ve taken breaks before. I’ve made triumphant returns before.

This time feels different.

With retirement rapidly approaching, I have to consider how I will spend my “free” time. I need to find the balance in between doing things for fun and doing things because there’s a purpose, or a return if you will.

I’m not giving up writing. It is quite possible that I am simply beginning the process of moving everything over to my author page. I’ll be taking the next month and a half to figure that out.

You know I’ll let you know when I do.

Carry on.

blogCat and PigFutureMichael R. FletcherNovelRetirementThe Write Side of My BrainWriting and Business