I Will Not Fan the Flames

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

I Timothy 2:1-4

This is not the first post that I wrote for today. Perhaps the first version was a chance for me to say what I thought and what I’m feeling after the events of the weekend.

I am old enough to be able to answer the question, “Where were you when you learned that JFK had been

River City Community Players
September 13-14, 20-21


I was at home playing. My aunt was babysitting. The television was not on. We learned the news when my brother came home early from school.

I am now old enough to answer the question, “Where were you when they attempted to assisinate President Trump?”

I was at the amusement park. We were taking a break from our activities when the news came across Twitter (X). We kept getting updates through the evening.

In typical Social Media form, the posts were flying back and forth. Misinformation. Horrible opinions. You get the idea.

So, I wrote a post pointing to some of that and expressing my opinion.

Then I deleted it.

Adding my voice to the mix won’t help solve the situation. It may even make things worse.

Instead, I’ll just watch what I say and do in my own circle of influence…if there’s even a circle.

The pundits and the arm-chair quarterbacks will continue to debate this.

I plan to let them.


While I’m not writing my own commentary, I will continue to point to other sources I think you should take the time to read. If my opinion shows through the cracks, so be it.

We should also note that this past weekend we lost Dr. Ruth, Richard Simmons, and 90210 actress Shannen Doherty.

The Shot Heard ‘Round America
Shaun Kenney at The Republican Standard
I really wish I could sugar coat this. The fact of the matter is that the rhetoric in this country — and it is Democrats aiming at Republicans both rhetorically and literally at this point — is the sort which encourages this sort of violence.

‘I Was Four Feet Away When I Heard the Bullets’
Salena Zito in The Free Press
I’ve since seen videos of what happened. People were screaming. But all I remember hearing was an eerie silence. With that kind of crowd, you’d expect pandemonium, a stampede. But I never had a sense of chaos.

How CNN Reported 7 Famous Assassinations Throughout History
The Babylon Bee
Over the centuries, the brilliant journalistic minds at CNN have covered several assassination attempts in their own unique way. Here are seven examples of their best work, serving as a shining beacon of truth in dark times…


1606 – Rembrandt, Dutch painter and etcher (d. 1669)
1779 – Clement Clarke Moore, American author, poet, and educator (d. 1863)
1935 – Alex Karras, American football player, wrestler, and actor (d. 2012)
1944 – Jan-Michael Vincent, American actor (d. 2019)
1946 – Linda Ronstadt, American singer-songwriter, producer, and actress
1950 – Arianna Huffington, Greek-American journalist and publisher
1952 – Terry O’Quinn, American actor

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