Let’s Get Busy

This is home.

Up here is Main Street…Along here’s a row of stores…Public School’s over yonder. High School still farther over.

From Our Town by Thornton Wilder

Giles County Courthouse, Pearisburg, Virginia

I know. We’re already too busy. Work with me.

I had a quick trip to the hometown for a family event this weekend. Celebrating a cousin’s birthday and my Mom’s upcoming birthday.

It’s always good to go home to visit. But I never have quite enough time to get around and see people and so some things I want to do.

I know. Visit longer.

Come September, I’ll be able to do that.

If you know, you know.

I spent some time thinking about stories and in my quest to write one thousand words a day I rattled off a list of stories I can tell.

No, I’m not telling them today.

It’s just that on those days when I think I have writer’s block, the list is a good reminder that I do have things to write about.

It’s also a good reminder that I don’t necessarily have to publish them all.

It was a good weekend. But there was a lot of driving and I got home much later than I’d hoped on Sunday evening.

I mean, I barely had enough time to dread Monday.

But it’s here.

And now I have things to do and stories to write.

Let’s get busy.


Left wing fact-checker admits Trump never called Charlottesville neo-Nazis ‘very fine people’ in blow to Biden
FOX News
The left-leaning fact-checking website Snopes acknowledged Saturday that former President Trump never called neo-Nazis “very fine people” during his press conference following the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally in 2017.

Walt Disney Posthumously Fired By Walt Disney Company For Being White Male
The Babylon Bee
Disney leadership made the move in an effort to show that the company remains ever-vigilant to weed out the oppressive presence of Caucasian men from within its ranks and will go to whatever lengths are necessary to project a more diverse image in the future.


1893 – Roy O. Disney, American businessman, co-founded The Walt Disney Company (d. 1971)
1895 – Jack Dempsey, American boxer and soldier (d. 1983)
1901 – Chuck Taylor, American basketball player and salesman (d. 1969)
1919 – Al Molinaro, American actor (d. 2015)
1936 – Robert Downey Sr., American actor and director (d. 2021)
1942 – Michele Lee, American actress and singer
1945 – George Pataki, American lawyer and politician, 53rd Governor of New York
1947 – Mick Fleetwood, English-American drummer
1950 – Nancy Allen, American actress
1961 – Ralph E. Reed, Jr., American journalist and activist



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