Go West Old Men: A Travel Memoir. Part 16

Zion National Park

We’re march­ing to Zion,
Beautiful, beau­ti­ful Zion;
We’re march­ing up­ward to Zion,
The beau­ti­ful city of God.

Isaac Watts

I think the last time I sang that song I was actually marching to Zion. Well, we were riding a bus on our way into Jerusalem.

This is Part 16 of the story, follow these links to see Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15

As majestic as it was at Tuweep, we could only stay two nights. The realization was setting in. We were beginning our journey home.

We packed up in Tuweep and off-roaded ourselves back to the main road. We had already adjusted our schedule somewhat, details don’t matter.

All along the way as I posted our journey on Instagram and Facebook friends would say “you have to go here” or “don’t miss there.” We had a schedule and we could only make so many deviations. But crossing one challenging hike off the list we decided to head just slightly northwest and visit Zion National Park.

Getting out of Tuweep and back to the main roads in that direction required crossing over Mt. Trumbull
Mount Trumbull lies north of Grand Canyon National Park. There’s plenty of history here and we stopped to view just a bit of it at Mt. Trumbull Schoolhouse. Since the time it was built in the early 1900s the schoolhouse also served as a church, dancehall, and town meeting venue. Destroyed by fire in 2000. A coalition of the public, descendants, and he Bureau of Land Management rebuilt the building and it serves as a mini museum. Inside are historic artifacts and photographs.

We drove on from the schoolhouse in search of the main roads where we turned toward Zion National Park with towering red cliffs and winding canyons. We only had time to see part of the canyon, so we took the bus toward the starting point for the hike to the Narrows.

We walked along the river to the point where hiking Narrows becomes a little more adventurous.

We didn’t have the equipment to take the hike through the stream to the deepest part of the Narrows. Waterproof shoes and clothes are required because the depth of the stream can reach your shoulders.

Scott did actually venture into the stream. I of course

I walked two miles, uphill in both directions, to get you this picture.

sacrificed that experience to take the picture.

Leaving Zion, we had to make some more decisions. Time wasn’t going to allow the visit to Natural Bridges National Park, so we headed toward Lake Powell and Glen Canyon Dam.

Along the way, I tried to find us a campsite along Lake Powell without luck. Instead we opted a night of “luxury” at a hotel near the dam.

Glen Canyon Dam is the second highest concrete arch dam in the U.S., second only to Hoover Dam. We were too late to experience the visitor’s center, but we got a good view of the dam and the beginnings of Lake Powell.

I for one, did not mind the night in a hotel. A hot shower, a real bed.

Lake Powell

And the best part? Dinner at Denny’s.

It was exquisite. Or at least a warm meal that didn’t come out

Glen Canyon Dam

of a freeze dried bag.

We didn’t talk about. We didn’t have too.

This was the beginning of the journey home.




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Glen Canyon DamGo West Old ManLake PowellMount TrumbullOld Man Bucket List Road TripZion National Park