But What Do I Do with All the Stuff?

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

True story, most days I’m only on the HGTV website to enter to win the Dream Home.

I used to watch the HGTV channel lots. Favorite shows were Trading Spaces and Design Star. I can’t remember the last time I sat down and watched a show. On any network, not just HGTV.

If it’s not streaming, I’m not likely to see it.

Following up on yesterday’s theme of simplifying things, I did read this article on the HGTV website.

Stop Household Clutter: 50 Things to Get Rid of Right Now

There are some good and practical suggestions on that list. Some I would quibble with, which is of course why I have an over abundance of crap surrounding me in my home office.

Don’t get me started on the rest of the house. I did manage to redo the guest room last fall, about a year and a half after our oldest moved back to Atlanta.

I’m sort of doing one room at a time.

Garage, I’m coming for you next. The attic will need professional help.

As I write, I look around the room. Everywhere my eye falls I see something that has meaning.

Something that will make me say “I can’t get rid of that because…”

I need to move beyond all of that.

That’s a loaded sentence, isn’t it? It doesn’t just apply to the clutter.

But that’s another post. Right now we’re talking about excess crap.

It’s a process. In the next few weeks or months, I’ll do another office purge.

At this point, I’m waiting for a good solid snow day to deal with paperwork. That’s my next great challenge.

And there’s nothing in those boxes that sparks joy.

Available on Amazon.

cleanClutterDream HomehgtvHouseofficestuff