Living the Dream

“We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.”

Arthur William Edgar O’Shaughnessy

There I was, happy as Larry, sitting with a view of the ocean and writing.

I was living the dream.

I have long known that I do not need a special location, special equipment, or circumstances to write. I need to apply my backside to the chair and fire up the keyboard.

Still, a boy, or in this case an old man, can dream. And my writing dream has always been to be sitting in my house by the ocean, wearing a cardigan with patches on the sleeves, and working away on the next Great American Novel.

For a week, although truth be told the novel didn’t get much attention, I was living that dream.

Mug Shots

Well, without the cardigan.

But in every dream the alarm goes off.

Dorothy woke up in black and white.

Bobby Ewing stepped out of the shower.

Inauguration Day, 2021.

Too soon? Nay, my friend, its nearly too late.

I digress.

The latest alarm went off very early on Saturday morning as we had to leave early to attend a memorial observance for a dear friend. Yet another reason for the suckage of the last few years. We’ve been to far too many funerals.

But, with or without the dream, life goes on.

I suppose if I had taken that left turn in Albuquerque I might be closer to my dream.

Reality is that I was almost fifty before I could articulate the words that “I am a writer” and not just “I want to be a writer.”

Oh, to have had that recognition at an earlier age.

Many do. And many will have that best seller long before I do, if I ever do.

We were fortunate to rent the house we did, when we did. It will take more than a few bestsellers for us to be able to consider buying, or even staying longer than a week.

But, for just a few days, there I was.


Musk’s Decision To Not Join Twitter’s Board Signals Potential Major Move He Can Now Make On The Company
Daily Wire
Entrepreneur Elon Musk’s decision to not join Twitter’s board reportedly means that the world’s wealthiest man is no longer restricted in how much of the company that he can buy.  Read More.

California, New York handled COVID-19 lockdowns the worst, Florida among the best, a new study shows
FOX News
New York, California, New Jersey and Illinois were among the worst in dealing with the coronavirus, performing “poorly on every measure,” the report said. Read More.

Shanghai: 26 Million Stuck In Dystopian Nightmare
Kerry Dougherty
Those of us who opposed lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates and who argued against closing schools and businesses are waiting for the government – federal and state, Republican and Democrat – to admit that they were wrong. We’re waiting for them to concede that their mitigations did little to “slow the spread” of Covid-19 and that worse, they irreparably harmed many businesses and damaged millions of schoolchildren with their stump-headed policies. Read More.


1916 – Beverly Cleary, American author (d. 2021)
1923 – Ann Miller, American actress, singer, and dancer (d. 2004)
1947 – David Letterman, American comedian and talk show host
1949 – Scott Turow, American lawyer and author
1950 – David Cassidy, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (d. 2017)
1957 – Vince Gill, American singer-songwriter and guitarist


May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Romans 15:5-6

BeachBorn on this DayDreamThings You Should ReadTuesdayWriting and Business