Advent Day 17 – Immanuel

The words of Isaiah came some 700 years befoe the birth of Jesus.

For centuries the people waited for the Messiah, for Immanuel to come.

He came. Quietly. Humbly. Meekly.

But he came to be with us.

He is with us still.

Immanuel. God with Us.

I think now is as good a day as any to let you know that I’ve struggled with these posts. I had thought I’d be able to use the scriptures and the graphics I created to write profound things.

Instead I find myself so busy with the season that I’m having little or no time to write.

I mapped it all out. I had, and have, a theme for each day. But the challenge to say something relevant is proving to be more difficult than expected.

The reality is that I overcommitted myself for the season.  After the Summer’s Unpleasantness (TM), I thought I’d be back in full swing.  Well, I am, but it’s tiring.

So, I’m allowing the scripture and the music to do the speaking. I’ll toss in a few simple words of commentary. But the way to read through these is to grasph the scripture and spend some time with what it says. Hopefully the songs can help.

I’ll push on through with this. And maybe when the day job settles down I’ll have more time to be profound.

Then again, the Scripure is profound enough.
