Advent Day 10 – Arise Shine

We were lost in the darkness of our sin and hopelessness. God sent His son to be the light and the world was blessed with the glory of His presence.

If you spend much time watching the news, and I watch or listen to a lot less than I used to, it’s easy to despair. Regardless of your political persuastion, our world is in a mess.

I’m reminded that this world is not our home. But even in that despair we can know His presence, His glory, until that time we are taken home with him.

When you see the Christmas lights around this season, let them remind you of the glory of the Lord.

Arise. Shine.

Photo by Cristofer Maximilian on Unsplash




AdventAriseChristmasDecemberFaith and FamilyGiftgloryJesusLightworld