Advent Day 5 – We Like Sheep

We had wandered, we all had wandered
Far from the fold of “the Shepherd of the sheep”;
But He sought us where we were,
On the mountains bleak and bare,
And bro’t us home, and bro’t us home,
And bro’t us safely home to God.

Thomas Chisholm

Throughout scripture there is talk of the Good Shepherd and the sheep.

David was a shepherd as a boy and later became King of Israel.

The announcement of the birth of Jesus was first told to shepherds tending their flocks.

Jesus told the story of the shepherd who had 99 of his sheep safely penned in but who went out to find the one that was lost.

Sheep need a shepherd. In fact, they depend on the shephered for just about everything. Where to go, what to eat, what to drink.

When sheep wander, they are in danger, just as we were before the Good Shepherd came to us.

Photo by Jovana Askrabic on Unsplash


