Write this Way, Please

They say the first five days after the weekend are always the hardest. I’ve never known who “they” are, but they nailed that one.

You may or may not have realized that I’ve posted every day this week, the first week I’ve done that since early January.

You’re welcome.

I’ll talk a little more about this on Monday, but I wrote in January about my three words for the year…Ponder…Learn…Believe…

Let’s just say I’ve been spending more time pondering what I write about than I have been doing the actual writing.

We all are given the same amount of time. I don’t buy the “I don’t have time” argument for the things that are most important.

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So, why haven’t I spent more time writing?

Oh, I’ve got tons of excuses.

Truth is I’ve spent a good amount of time already working on the next Santa season. Yes, it’s true…after all, Christmas is a little more than nine months away. I already have two major gigs booked and I need to work more on wardrobe and marketing.

While I haven’t done a lot of creating, I’ve spent some time in the adult coloring book I got for Christmas whilst binging some television. Do you know how long it takes to catch up on 31 years of The Simpsons?

Every day, however, I’ve written on my to do list that I need to be writing.

Don’t get me wrong. I have continued the now almost six year project of writing over a thousand words a day. So I am writing.

I’m just not necessarily writing productively.

More precisely, I’m not always writing for public consumption.

I have novels, and short stories, and scripts that need my attention.

Oh, and did I mention I have a blog? I hope you’re following and reading that.

So, over last weekend, I made a decision that since it was a new month, since we’re heading to a new season, and since we’re heading toward our one-year telework anniversary, that I’d attempt to write and post every day, Monday through Friday.

I’ve made the first week. And, the thing is, with the addition of the links at the bottom I’m also doing more reading and listening and it’s all helping the fingers to fly across the keyboard a little more quickly.

Some day those monkeys and I will write the equivalent of the Complete Works of Shakespeare.

So, it helped yesterday to see this article from Darren Rowse at Problogger: 11 Tips to Help You Post More Consistently.

While I’ve given up the idea of making blogging a permanent income stream, and while I’ve determined that I am not, nor do I want to be a copywriter, I appreciate articles like this to help keep me motivated and organized.

I think we all know that my blogging is anything but organized. But, I’m working on that.

That’s the plan anyway. But for now, it’s the weekend.

See you Monday.


This day in 1807 saw the first performance of Ludwig van Beethoven’s 4th Symphony in B.




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The British History Podcast

Chopped Bard

BeethovenBloggingFridayLifeLinks of InterestMusical InterludePodcastsScheduleWhat I'm ReadingWriting and Business