Advent 2020: Let there be Peace

Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!

Luke 2:15

We are on day 266 of 15 days to slow the spread.

Peace on Earth.

It’s more than just a kitschy saying we see on Christmas decorations.

It’s something we all want, even if we’re not pageant contestants.

I don’t recall a time in my life when there wasn’t war happening somewhere. I doubt there have been very few times if any, when the entire planet has been at peace.

Of course, not that you would have read it in the mainstream media, but there have been multiple peace agreements in the Middle East in recent months.

If you haven’t heard about that, maybe you need to check your news sources.

I’m just sayin’.

Now that the Electoral College has declared Joe Biden the winner, we can have peace in our country, right?

The Write Side Shop

You know, just like we did in 2016?

Sorry. Not sorry.

Look, I don’t care which party you belong to, or if you even belong to a party, we don’t have leaders that are really going to deliver peace.

There is but one Prince of Peace.

This is his season.

Unfortunately, we often lose site of that. Maybe the horrors of 2020 will help us take a little more time to reflect on that. We’ve been forced to slow down.

Maybe we can remember why we have the season.


Maybe we can, one by one, learn to live in peace with one another.

Maybe one day, we can return to our churches to pass the peace.

Right now, I’m just looking forward to a little holiday peace and quiet.

And maybe another piece of pie.


2020AdventCasting CrownsI Heard the Bells on Christmas DayMiddle EastMiss CongenialityPeaceSandra Bullock