Why Can’t We Behave?

Believe there is a great power silently working all things for good, behave yourself and never mind the rest.

English children’s book writer and illustrator, Beatrix Potter, was born on this day in 1866 (died 1943)

We are on day 136 of 15 days to slow the spread.

Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone just behaved?

It’s like we didn’t learn all that we needed to know in kindergarten.

I realize it does no good for me to preach here about how everyone ought to behave.

But, you should. I should. We all should.

Here in Richmond, some thirty years of economic progress and restoration is being destroyed because people can’t behave.

Please don’t get me started about the righteous cause.

It’s not righteous. And it’s not really a cause anymore.

But I can’t fix that.

I’m sitting here remembering that I can take care of me and how I respond

The Write Side Shop

There are so, so many things out of my control, so it’s frustrating.

Surely, you’re feeling some of that frustration as well.

I’m listening to the news and somewhat terrified that we may be looking at increased restrictions as the number of positive COVID-19 cases is climbing again.

I’ve got theories about why and what it really means, but again, I’m trying to behave here.

Don’t get me wrong. I fully believe that there are times that you need to raise a ruckus.

But when your promotional flyers say that your main intent is to “F**k S**t Up” don’t expect me to value your opinion.

I’m fairly certain that Beatrix Potter never used those words.

I mean, can you imagine Mopsy saying “Hey Flopsy, let’s go eff up Farmer McGregor’s garden.”

Ah…simpler times.

I wrote weeks ago of the frustration I feel about things being out of control and how what I know that we all can do is pray. I fully believe that only a spiritual awakening, a revival if you will, is the only thing that will restore our nation.

Your theology may vary. But even if it does, it probably tells you to behave.

I haven’t read Beatrix Potter books in years. Our youngest is 20, so it’s been almost two decades.
But I’ve read the end of another book, and I need to read it again soon.

It tells me that things are likely to get worse before they get better.

Are we in that chapter yet? I don’t know and it’s not my job to figure it out.

My job is to live like it’s tomorrow, even if it’s decades or centuries away. And to pray.

Almost two months ago I wrote:

Far too often these days “thoughts and prayers” have been cheapened. It’s just something you say when you don’t know what else to say.

There really is a higher power working out all things for good.

That’s not a children’s story.

Cover Photo by Victor Larracuente on Unsplash

Beatrix PotterbehaveBorn on this DayCOVID-19Faith and Familylock downRichmondriotsVirginiaVirus