What I’m Reading in My Free Time

Please tell me that you caught the sarcasm in the title.

I’ve mentioned my current reading materials a couple of times this week.

You know, that I’m already three books behind in my Goodreads challenge.

I feel like a slacker because last year I read 56 books with a goal of 40. Granted, some of those books were scripts, not novels, so they were a little quicker to read.

Reality is, I’ve read two scripts this year already, over and over. But I’m not going to count Bloomsday (you really are said you missed that’s how) as 257 books, or True West as (currently) about two dozen.

So, in my defense, I am reading. Just with less variety.

I set the goal the same goal of forty books this year. And, in the little less than two weeks since Bloomsday closed (I mean, really, you have your regrets), I’ve picked up on the reading.

So, in case you want to know where I’m not spending my time, here’s my reading list thus far.


A Hobbit, a Wardrobe, and a Great War: How J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis Rediscovered Faith, Friendship, and Heroism in the Cataclysm of 1914-18
by Joseph Loconte

This, in part, was one of the things that prompted my focus this year on the early 1900s as well as the writings of Lewis and Tolkien. It’s good to have a focus. I won’t limit my reading to that

How to Succeed in the Arts…or in Anything
by Ken Davenport

This was a free one (and relatively short) from one of the guys I follow for producing and acting advice. Sure, there are things he could sell me (see earlier posts this week), but I don’t feel the pressure and the free stuff he gives is helpful.

This design and more available in The Write Side Shop (click the pic).

Saint Odd (Odd Thomas, #7)
by Dean Koontz

I started the Odd Thomas series a couple of years ago but never finished. In 2019 I decided to make my way through. I’m glad I did. Koontz is a brilliant writer. Many times I’ll read a paragraph or even a sentence and think “that’s the way I want to write.”

Murder on the Nile
by Agatha Christie

Okay, so there was one script. But you have to love Dame Agatha.


The Daily Bible

As I mentioned the other day, I’m reading my way through The Daily Bible. I’m about to get out of the laws section.

The Hobbit, or There and Back Again
by J.R.R. Tolkien

Because, every few years, I just need to read the whole series. This is one of those years.

Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer
by C.S. Lewis

To be fair, I didn’t want to start The Chronicles of Narnia while reading LOTR, so I grabbed the next Lewis book that I had on my shelf.

by George MacDonald

I’ve been meaning to try to read MacDonald for a while. So, I managed to find a free audio copy of Phantastes on Librivox. I like Librivox, sometimes. Since it’s all volunteer the quality can vary. But I’m about halfway through listening on my trips to and from Williamsburg.

Why Williamsburg? I thought you’d never ask.

After True West, I theoretically have a few months off from rehearsals (either acting or directing), so I hope to get in some more time. Maybe even some time at the poolside or water park.

Will I get to 40 books? Maybe. Maybe not.

But I’ll keep reading.

What’s on your reading list?


BooksC.S. LewisJ.R.R. TolkienReadingThe Daily Bible