I never thought I’d ask this question

I’ve been doing math lately. This will come as a surprise to just about anyone who has known me since…let’s say grade school.

True story: I took my last math class when Richard Nixon was still in the White House. And his poll numbers were good. Okay, so post-college I took some accounting classes because I thought I might be adding the business degree.

That didn’t happen and that’s not the point of this post.

You know, or should know, that I’m seriously trying to work out when I can retire. That requires maths. And the maths are currently saying “not yet.”

So, I’ve been taking a hard look at our finances and asking, and re-asking, about all the things we spend money on. Do we really need them? How much can we save if we ditch Amazon Prime, Apple Music…and…the list goes on.

Yesterday, when the bill came, it hit me that I pay roughly $20 a month to host this blog and pay for the security that, most of the time, blocks spam comments.

For the first time in the almost twenty years that I’ve been blogging, I asked myself “is it worth it?”

I’ve blogged since the late 90s or at least since 2000 on various platforms, various blog names and, for a while, under a pen name.

I also have two other inactive blogs as well as my main writer website. I’m not sure that I’m willing to give up the domain names.

But, are they serving a purpose? Heaven knows, they’re not producing an income.

This is part of the journey I’ve asked you to take with me. Don’t worry, I won’t cancel your ticket without plenty of warning.

Maybe the answer is, of course, I need to keep blogging here. Maybe I just need to do a better job of it.


I still hate math.

In the meantime, you should be reading these things:

Washington Leaders Seem to be Fighting Over a Corpse
The Resurgent

The Incredibly Dumb Bill Barr Scandal
National Review

Trump approval on economy at new high: CNN poll
The Hill

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