WHAT THE FRIDAY: I can’t fix the Internet

No, there’s nothing wrong with the connection.

There’s a lot wrong with what people are posting.

I can’t fix them.

In most cases, I can’t even have a decent discussion with them.

I got called a moron the other day by someone who confused “their” with “there.”

But, unlike the early days of the Interwebz when we all had to wait for Compuserve to screech on, I didn’t correct him. He eventually figured it out.

Bless his heart.

As Mark Twain said,

“Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”

I need to remember that.

Maybe you do as well.

I can’t fix these things either, but you should read them:

Bibi’s Big Win
National Review

I wanted to help Google make AI more responsible. Instead I was treated with hostility.
The Washington Post

Every Democrat Who Voted Against the Born Alive Bill Received Money From Planned Parenthood

Finally, don’t tell us more. We know the story.

Oh Dear God They’re Making A ‘Grease’ Prequel, And I Think We All Know How This Is Going To End
Second Nexus

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