My Three Words for 2019

No. No. No.

I follow a few of the marketing gurus out there. Including the ones that want to just sell me their programs. But there are a few, who would also sell their programs, but also provide helpful information and some inspiration when I need a good kick in the behind.

I enjoy the email newsletters that I get from Chris Brogan and Rob Hatch. They talk annually at the first of the year about their “Three Words” for the upcoming year. The idea is that the three separate words, not a phrase, will be their guide for the coming year. You can check their posts out on their respective websites.

Last year, I modified that and came up with my 2018 theme to “Get Things Done.” I actually got a lot of things done in 2018. Not necessarily many that were on the initial list. Still, I accomplished a good bit.

I didn’t develop a new theme for 2019. Instead, I am again going with a variation on the Three Words Theme.

My three words for 2019?

No. No. No.

Here’s how they’ll apply.

No, I won’t write for you for free. I already told you about that one.

No, I won’t sign onto your project unless it’s also part of my passion and something I really want to do.

No, I won’t step up to the plate just because there’s no one else to. If a job is really that important, then someone will step into do it. Don’t count on me to be that someone. Consider it my partial project shut down, if you will.

Don’t get me wrong.

I’ll still help out when help is needed, I’ll just be a little more deliberate about counting the costs.

We already know I can’t do everything. I can do a whole lot, but not everything.

We also know that I have less time in front of me than I do behind me. I plan to work as long as I can dress myself, and gum my food. I just want my work to mean something.

So when you come knocking with another project, another need, be prepared for me to ask why.

And, brace yourself, ‘cause I might just say no.

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2019ActingArtdirectingMy Three WordsproducingThemeWriting and Business