First Landing

On this day in 1607 English colonists made landfall at Cape Henry, Virginia. The settlers did not come ashore until April 29 because the Reverend Robert Hunt who later founded the church at Jamestown, called for three days of prayer and fasting. Reverend Hunt said “From these very shores the Gospel shall go forth to not only this New World, but the entire world.”

That’s not religious propaganda, that’s history. Read more about it in an article I wrote for Bearing Drift in 2012.

We might also note that this was 13 years before the pilgrims landed in Massachusetts, and twelve years before the real first Thanksgiving at Berkeley Plantation on the James River in Virginia.

Read some real history. It will do you good.

I need to get out and experience more Virginia history. I mean, sure I work a couple of blocks from Mr. Jefferson’s capital as well as the historic James riverfront. But I need to get out on the highway and byways and remember things I’ve forgotten.

As you may recall, for the last few months most of attention to historical events has been focused on World War I. I’ll be there a while longer. Probably until I get this work on stage.

It’s getting closer.

It’s Wednesday. Mid-week. Harrumph Day. I’m in a meeting.

Although, I’m in a meeting close to some Colonial History. I’ll be down in Williamsburg for the morning, although I doubt I’ll make it to Duke of Gloucester Street.

I cannot get through this post without remember that, on this day in 1989, whilst I was in the midst of planning to take 150 of my closest state legislator friends to meet with George H.W. Bush, the call came and I dashed off to the hospital to meet the firstborn.

I’ve told his story here. It’s worth reading again.

Alsom born on this day in 1933, American actress, singer, and producer, Carol Burnett.



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Born on this DayCape HenryCarol BurnettFirst LandingHappy BirthdayHistory and Culture