On Valentine’s Day

All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.

– Charles M. Schulz

Happy Valentine’s Day.

Also known as Greeting Card, Florist, and Chocolatier Extortionist Day.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s a nice day.

It’s a fun way to celebrate.

I have fond childhood memories of making Valentine’s boxes and addressing cards to every person in the classroom.

My wife and I won’t be celebrating Valentine’s Day together. She’ll be at a rehearsal for her show that opens on Friday and I have an acting gig at another restaurant. I’m not telling you where in case you happen to show up in the audience.

For reasons of our own, and thanks to the U.S. Postal Service, February 13 is more of a special day for us anyway.

She also had rehearsal last night.

The Write Side Shop (click the pic)

But all across the country and perhaps around the world, lovers and friends are purchasing flowers, and cards, and chocolates, and jewelry. Special dinners are being prepared, candles are being lit.

And…you can fill in the rest.

Valentine’s Day is, of course, named after St. Valentine. He’d probably be amused to find out that we celebrate his life and martyrdom with nasty tasting candy hearts with smart-ass messages.

Then again I’m not sure any of our modern holidays are exactly historically correct.

That’s another post.

However you choose to celebrate or not celebrate today, just remember…

Chocolate is 50% off tomorrow.


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Charles M. SchulzChocolateflowersLoveValentine's Day