It’s joyful and triumphant

“Blast this Christmas music. It’s joyful and triumphant.”

– Jim Carrey as The Grinch (2000 version)

I don’t want a hippopotamus for Christmas.

I get more than a little tired of the Christmas music on the radio. I don’t mean to be unkind, I don’t know if they know it’s Christmas, but I’m kinda tired of the song.

So, I’ve downloaded some of my favorites to my Apple music app. Here are some of my favorite that will get me through the holiday season.

Vince Guaraldi Trio: A Charlie Brown Christmas. – Do I really need to explain why? It’s a classic.

Voctave: The Spirit of the Season – Once I heard their version of Mary Did You Know” with Mark Lowry, I was hooked.

A Hollens Family Christmas – Peter Hollens makes some amazing videos and this album is a great addition to the Christmas library.

The Spirit of Christmas: Michael W. Smith – Nice renditions of some holiday favorites.

I’ll be adding more to my library.

What are some of your favorite Christmas albums?

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AlbumsChristmasHolidayMusicPeter HollensVoctave