Time keeps on slippin’, slippin’…

Time sneaks up on you like a windshield on a bug.

American actor John Lithgow was born on this day in 1945.

At my weekend job well, over the weekend, one of my work associates guessed my age to be about 54. Bless him.

True, he was not that far off, I’m 58. But 54 seems like such a long time ago.

Regardless, I understand that I have less time in front of me than I have behind me.

Considering the upcoming elections that doesn’t sound like such a bad idea.

I digress.

But, it’s true, I’m not going to get another 58 years.

And, let’s be honest, I don’t want another 58 years.

None of us really know how much time we have. So, I’m not going to worry about it.

My challenge is to simultaneously live like the future is endless while at the same time live like I’m leaving tomorrow, or later today.

Sometimes I think I’m a little crazy, which probably actually helps the situation, to want to try to do all that I’m doing.

I’m working seven days a week, I’m trying to build this writing and graphics design career, I’m writing a script, I’m writing a novel, and I’m trying to get another stage gig.

Don’t even get me started about the yard work and the garage.

I’m not bragging. In fact maybe this is a cry for help.

I want to be doing all of these things and more.

So, I stay busy.

And yes, contrary to the experts who say it can’t be done, I multi-task.

That’s both the curse and the blessing of a smart phone. I try to put it aside at meals. I do turn it off at church, at plays, and at the movie theatre.

At other times, I just never know when that next acting job or writing assignment may come.

Not to mention the fact that someone may be wrong on the Internet and need my correction.

I don’t know that life is really any more complicated than it used to be.

I mean, sure I remember being eight years old and never getting the right bubble gum cards to complete the picture of The Monkees, that’s about as stressful as it got.

But life as an adult has always been busy, and at times it’s been stressful.

I suppose this is one of those “where did the time go?” posts. But every time the hip hurts or the shoulder won’t go where I want it to go, I know where the time went.

With all of this, here I was thinking how clever I was to find a headline that fit the quote, then I read the lyrics to “Fly Like an Eagle.”

Now I have more things to do…

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Born on this DayJohn LithgowTime