Here I Stand, I Can Do No Other

Yes, I know that’s a quote from Martin Luther. No, this post is not about Martin Luther. But you should look up the Luther quote, it will do you good.

On this day in 1814, Francis Scott Key penned the words to the poem that would eventually become our national anthem.

I don’t really follow professional football. I keep up with whether the Washington Redskins are winning. Some years that takes much less work than others.

So, up until a few days ago, I had no idea who Colin Kaepernick was, or is.

I was going to turn this into an article about Kaepernick and his stance, or lack thereof.  But I’m not.

For all that’s wrong with this country, there’s a lot more that’s right. Thousands of men and women have died defending our flag, our freedom, and Kaepernick’s right to take a cheek…so to speak.

I’ll just simply show this as an example of how the National Anthem should be done.

This story, and the arguments aren’t over.

I’ll be standing. Others won’t.

That’s actually what it’s all about.


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Colin KaepernickFootballFrancis Scott KeyNational AnthemOn this day in historyStar Spangled Banner