Acting like a writer



Acting is playing – it’s actually going out on a playground with the other kids and being in the game, and I need that. Writing satisfies that part of myself that longs to sit in my room and dream.

American actor, singer, director, and screenwriter Billy Bob Thornton was born on this day in 1955.

Who knew that I had so much in common with Billy Bob?

I mean I get the whole wanting to go out and play thing. I’ve seen about four productions in the last couple of weeks and, while my break was self-imposed, I’m missing being out there on the stage. Not to worry, auditions are coming up.

At the same time, I totally get the wanting to stay in my room (my home office) and write.

Unlike Billy Bob, I don’t have an Academy Award. Yet.

I don’t even have a next show. Yet.

Traditional summer is winding down. Soon kids will be going back to school, fall sports will happen, leaves will begin to fall.

But, not yet.

And definitely not before I get to the beach next week.

Amongst my reading materials are two scripts I’m considering for the above mentioned auditions, and my own script that I hope to have in draft form before too long.

See? Theatre and writing.

I hope Billy Bob would be proud.

Today, a certain President celebrates his last birthday in the White House. We don’t exchange cards.

Pretty sure that won’t change, regardless of who the next president is.

Also born on this day in 1901, American trumpet player and singer, Louis Armstrong (died 1971).


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