It’s not just cold. It’s a promise.

Image: Ali Inay via Unsplash

I don’t like winter. I’m not sure that I ever really have. Oh, sure I loved snow days from school and spent plenty of time sledding and building snowmen in my…um…younger days.

The little bit of snow we got yesterday was all I need for the winter. It was nice. It was pretty. But, of course, it’s not over.

But I read something this morning that made me think about it a little differently.

Each year I struggle to find a Scripture reading plan that will work. I’ve done the Bible in a Year readings and even the Bible in 90 day readings. While the readings are always good there’s a tendency to rush through them just to stay on schedule. It doesn’t give much time for comprehension and contemplation about what the Word is actually saying.

This year I’ve taken a different approach and am reading from the Daily Office Lectionary. There are readings from the Old and New Testament, the Psalms and the Gospels. It’s a good balance, and a good plan.

So, I’ve been reading in Genesis about the flood. This morning I read God’s promise to Noah.

“As long as the earth endures,
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night
will never cease.”

Genesis 8:22

I’m sure I’ve read that dozens of times, but I’m inclined to think of the promise of the rainbow. And sure the traditional ROY G. BIV has been appropriated for different causes but the rainbows we see in the sky remain a sign of God’s promise.

Let’s not digress.

I may not like the cold and winter, but it puts a diffrent perspective on things when I remember that the changing of the seasons are by divine design.

For the record I don’t think that evolution and creationism are incompatible. In fact I think the more we learn from science the more we must realize that there was, and is, a Master Designer.

I mean nothing banged into nothing and “poof!” dinosaurs and all that. Really? Talk about a leap of faith to believe something.

I’ll admit I’m also a global warming skeptic. Yes, I think we’ve overbuilt, overused, over polluted. And I think that Christians and political conservatives ought to be at the forefront of the environmental movement.

For the record, there’s not a church around that should be serving Sunday morning coffee in styrofoam cups.

I’m not saying I’m a global warming denier. We’ve certainly done some disastrous things.

But to change the climate? I’m still inclined to think God is in control of the actual results.

No, I’m not a scientist. But, also no, that’s not a silly belief.

Weather gurus are starting to predict a big East Coast snow for this coming weekend. I’ll admit that I won’t readily rejoice in it.

But maybe I’ll complain a little less.

Because I know we have a promise of Spring.

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Faith and FamilyJanuaryScriptureSnowWinter