Sorry for the delay

Photo: Zugr via Unsplash

Photo: Zugr via Unsplash

Sorry that I was gone a little longer than planned. The concession line was really long. You don’t want to know more.

Truth is, I’ve been regrouping, again.

I generally do that towards the end of the year and make grandiose plans for the coming year.

Watch out, 2016, I’m ready to roll. Or, at least I’m getting there.

I’ve been using some of the last few days of not posting to organize a writing plan for 2016. It’s ambitious. It’s even color-coded.

But, I think it will work.

Not to give all of the details, but I’m branching out with a couple of new test blogs and I’m looking for other writing outlets.

Don’t get me wrong, I also already have at least two auditions on the calendar. There would be others save for the fact that actual dates are not announced.

And, while the current focus on the production side is New Year’s Eve, there will be more.

Undefined as of yet, but there will be more.

If that doesn’t already sound like too much to do, this week gets trickier because I’m heading to Atlanta to help my son and grand dog move home for a bit. It’s a quick trip with a rented truck, and it’s happening three days before Christmas.

It’s what we do.

I’m off from the day job for the next two weeks, although I suspect I won’t be totally off if a number of requests come in. That’s all I’ll say about that.

I had, of course, planned this time to indeed develop the writing plan, as well as to purge my home office and the garage. Much of that will happen. Maybe not to the extent planned.

Of course it doesn’t help that I’m making all of these plans on the shortest day of the year. Okay, sure there are still 24-hours in the day, just less of them in daylight. Tomorrow that starts changing again in the right direction.

And, speaking of the right direction, that’s where this whole writing thing is going.

In the coming year you’ll hear (or read) less of me saying that I need to be writing, and more of me saying “here, I wrote this, go read it.”

Count on it.

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1 comment

    • Beth Dunnavant on December 21, 2015 at 9:29 am

    🙂 Great plan. I need to make mine.

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