Be still, my soul

Some of the most powerful times are when we’re quiet.

American Singer-songwriter, musician, composer, and actor, Michael W. Smith was born on this day in 1957
I saw Michael W. Smith at a Promise Keepers meeting many multiple years ago.  I have long admired his music.

He’s talking about times of worship in this quote.  His music is used in worship services around the world.

One of the songs Smith has recorded was written by Matt Redman. “The Heart of Worship” came after a time when a pastor did a brave thing and removed the sound system and the band from worship services for a time.

It was a recognition that the worship time had gotten away from the true purpose.

It’s a good reminder that bigger, louder, and flashier isn’t always what’s needed to bring people to the place of worship.

I’m sounding preachy here. and that’s not my intent.  I do appreciate much of the contemporary worship music.

But I come from a tradition where I’m moved by voices raised in four part harmony in the Great Hymns of the Faith.

Give me a hymnal and a pipe organ and…well…

I digress.

The point here is not styles of music, or styles of worship.

The point is that sometimes it’s good, no it’s really good, to just get quiet.

Turn off the television.  Turn off the music.  Turn off the Internet.

Turn off the cat…okay…wishful thinking.

But sometimes being quiet and still is what we need.

Regardless of your belief system, there is strength and healing in quiet.

Maybe it’s the quiet of walking on a mountain path.  Or the quiet of sitting on a beach (you have to know that’s my favorite).

Or maybe it’s just the quiet of sitting at home without the distractions.

We live in a world of distractions.

24 hour “news” that’s designed to increased our blood pressure.

Email, Internet, Text messages.

Do they ever stop?

No, and that’s why we have to make time to be quiet.

If we just tell ourselves we’ll wait until things quiet down, they never will.

Check out.  Unplug. Slip away.

Just don’t forget to come back.

And yes, the noise will be waiting.

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Born on this DayMichael W. SmithPeaceQuietWorship