What I want to write about

United Airlines Flight 175 flies low toward the South Tower of the World Trade Center, shortly before slamming into the structure. The north tower burns after an earlier attack by a hijacked airliner in New York City, on September 11, 2001. (Reuters/Sean Adair)

Write what you like, there is no other rule.

– American pharmacist and author O. Henry was born on this day in 1862 (died 1910)

I have lots of things I want to write about.

But, I can never let this day go by without stopping to remember.

It was a horrible day. It was tragic. It was unimaginable.

We said we were forever changed, that we would never forget.

We let our emotions speak and we deluded ourselves because of course we changed. Of course we forgot.

I’m not getting all political here about the responses, good, bad, or otherwise.

But in the days following those attacks we were one country. We were Americans. That’s what mattered.

How different we’ve become. Fourteen years later we are perhaps more divided than we’ve been in decades.

Sure, we’ve always had disagreements. That’s what made this country great and strong.

After those horrible days, we were a little kinder to one another, a little more respectful, a little more aware of the humanity around us.

I’m not going to get us back to that point by anything that I write here.

But, maybe if you’re reading this, you can make a difference.

Say something kind to a coworker. Let them know you care about the struggles they’re going through.

Take a cake to your neighbor.

Slow down and let that other car merge into your lane.

No national program or politician is going to make us be nice to each other. And, God forbid we ever have to endure another event like September 11, 2001.

But maybe we can make things a little nicer around the neighborhood. Or in the office. Or at the gym.

I’d like to write about that.

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9/11Born on this DayHistoryLifeO. HenryRememberingWriting and Business