Things I’d Forgotten to Remember

Image: Ahmadreza Sajadi via Unsplash.

“If you write to impress it will always be bad, but if you write to express it will be good”

American author and playwright Thornton Wilder was born on this day in 1897 (died 1975).

Being a bit of a theatre geek, but not as knowledgeable as I’d like to be, I have probably forgotten more facts than I have retained.  When searching for a Thornton Wilder quote for today, I ran across several from The Matchmaker.

I thought…wait…I know this story.  Of course I do, it’s the basis for Hello Dolly.  I even did a dramatic reading from the play in college.  Of course it was originally titled The Merchant of Yonkers.

I suppose it’s not so much that I’ve forgotten about it as much as it is that I simply don’t need to retain that information on a daily basis.

It’s Friday, and the younger son and I are heading to Southwest Virginia later this afternoon to check on the parents.  I think I mentioned that earlier this week.

At the end of the week, the thoughts are a bit random.

No matter how many web experts I listen to or how many webinars I participate in, I’m not going to blog my way to 10,000 monthly subscribers on this blog. I don’t want to write that way.

If you’re offering $1.50 for a 500 word article, you’re not really understanding the word free in freelance.

If you only want to bake cakes for non-sinners, then nobody is getting dessert.

It’s the weekend.

And there’s this.

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Born on this DayFridayStar WarsThornton Wilder