Weaving a tangled web

Or at least printing it.

Oh what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practise to deceive!

Sir Walter Scott, Marmion, Canto vi. Stanza 17.
Scottish author & novelist (1771 – 1832)


I’m not really practicing to deceive.  I’m practicing to make money.

That’s practicing.  These haven’t sold yet.

As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve had some moderate success with my graphic designs. Mainly with The Stations of the Cross on Zazzle, and miscellaneous political items on CafePress.

As an aside, Rand Paul just announced for President.  Get stuff here.

That’s not an endorsement.  That’s commerce.  I’m not playing the 2016 game except in the cases where I can make a profit.

It doesn’t get more American than that.

So, this past week, I realized that Zazzle had a new opportunity.  You can design and create custom fabrics.  I have a storehouse full of unused designs that I used to have for sale on CafePress.  They never went anywhere.  But the thought of turning them into fabric was appealing.

So, I’ve begun doing just that, and I’ve now posted several designs for sale.

In the thread, so to speak, of not deceiving, I believe the patterns are stamped onto the fabric and not woven in.

Will these sell?  I don’t know.  They might.

But I’m having fun designing them.  In theory, I’ll get better at it.

It’s all a part of that mixture of having distractions or being too crazy to write.

I like the design process. Sometimes, I’m pretty good at it.  I do have a good eye for the design for graphic layout and publications.

I wouldn’t mind doing it as my job.  But, I’m not formally trained.  In fact, I’m self-taught. I had my last art class back in high school and I’ve never had a class to teach me graphic design or layout.  I’ve learned it all on my own.

True, I was accepted at Virginia Tech as an art major. I went elsewhere and majored in music then English, then Speech.  I did take some journalism classes and an art appreciation class at Virginia Tech.

I could spend all day at the computer or at a drafting board.  But, much like the writing and the acting, no one is paying me to do that.

I’d have to sell a lot of fabric.

One yard at a time.

Check out the designs.  I’ll keep adding more.




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