Why you won’t grow up on Facebook

I can’t tell you the joy I felt in flying in that show … I loved it so. The freedom of spirit that was Peter Pan was suddenly there for me. I discovered I was happier in the air than on the ground.
As quoted in Mary Martin : Broadway Legend (2008) by Ronald L. Davis. p. 183
Actress and Singer Mary Martin was born on this day in 1913 (Died 1990).

Just once, please read the rulz.

It’s circulating again, the post that starts out…

Due to the fact that Facebook has chosen to involve software that will allow the theft of my personal information, I state: at this date of November 27, 2014, in response to the new guidelines of Facebook, pursuant to articles L.111, 112 and 113 of the code of intellectual property, I declare that my rights are attached to all my personal data drawings, paintings, photos, video, texts etc…. published on my profile and my page. For commercial use of the foregoing my written consent is required at all times…

Well, that’s pretty language and all.

But it’s worthless.

See, you’ve already given Facebook permission to use your stuff.

“But NO!” you protest. “I did nothing of the kind.”

Remember way back when you first got a Facebook account? That little box that said “I have read and agree to the terms” (or some variation)?

That’s where you did it.

I’ll wait whilst you go kick yourself for clicking “I agree” without reading them. Don’t beat yourself up, we do it all the time because no one will try to abuse us, right?

Facebook isn’t trying to abuse you. But they’re also not doing anything new.

Have a problem with Facebook policies and your privacy? Here’s what you can do.

– Delete your Facebook account. Although the info will still be retained on the web.

– Negotiate with the PTB at Facebook for a change in their terms. Good luck with that.


– Don’t sign up for Facebook to begin with.

The bottom line is that nothing about you, your family, your drunken college binges, or your poorly timed selfies that either you posted or you allowed someone else to post is private once you’ve hit “post.”

Read more at Snopes.

Whilst I’m on the subject of Facebook, let me point out a few more things you may or may not be doing that are more annoying than posting that privacy message.

Don’t change the subject on my post. Seriously.

If I talk about a theater role, or my shoulder, or my day at work, don’t come on and ask what the family is doing for Christmas, or the score of the game.

In other words, don’t hijack my thread for your personal agenda.

Second, when I have a blog post show up, I love your comments. I’d prefer they be on the actual blog (I’m looking into how that works automatically). But again, don’t change the subject. And if your response is going to be more than a sentence or three, maybe it should be 1) on the blog or 2) on your own page.



This is basic Interwebz etiquette. ALL CAPS MEANS YOU’RE YELLING.

If you can’t read the letters in lower case, increase the font size on your screen. It can be done.

Forgive the snark. But, unlike Peter Pan, we have to be grownups on Facebook.

NBC will air a live version of Peter Pan, this Thursday, December 2014.


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Born on this DayFacebookMary MartinMondayNBCPeter PanPrivacyRules
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  • Beth Dunnavant

    See? I can read instructions, sometimes I follow them. I’m so over people who just don’t get it, so you know, you were sort of preaching to the choir here. I just kind of lost it the other day about people having technology and yet not even the most basic understanding of it. One friend complaining that her smart phone didn’t have an emoticon keyboard and when I told her she had to download it, it became apparent that she didn’t understand the concept of download and install. Sigh. Why? Another friend flipping out because her Macbook was getting her texts from her phone (it’s a new feature and a very cool one from Apple) her thought process was if she shut it off and turned it back on, it would quit happening. Sigh… sigh…sigh. On Facebook, that stupid thing you began this post with, it seems to pop up about once a year, everyone freaking out and not having even a hint of a clue. The recipes that they ‘like and share’ so they can have them later… Good grief. I got so tired of trying to explain to people that those things are spam, the very thing everyone seems to be so stinkin’ afraid of and they invite it in. I have no patience for this anymore. None.

  • Susan

    Sorry … won’t happen again.