It’s been a hard days, week

Walt Disney’s animated musical film Fantasia was released at New York’s Broadway Theatre on this day in 1940.

What doesn’t kill us gives us something new to write about. – Julie Wright

I got behind in my goal to have a week’s worth of posts done, so on Wednesday afternoon when I got home, I looked at this quote, thought about what I would write and decided that it would just sound too whiny.

Then, when I got home from a Board meeting and sat down to actually write, I realized that maybe it’s because it was just too honest.

I’ve had a hard week, and it’s not over yet.

I’m still in the post-show funk that I talked about on Monday.  I’m still in the same shoulder pain.  I’ve still gone three months where I can think of being able to sleep through the night only once.  I’m exhausted.  And, again as I said Monday, I need some rest.

I’m not getting any anytime soon.  See how this post can sound whiny?

But those are just the facts.

Still, I have writing to do.  I told myself I’d be working on my novel during Nanowrimo. I have some, but not enough.

I got a great start to writing ahead for the blog, but this past weekend with two Saturday shows, strike and a cast party on Sunday, I got behind.

I have editors who have given me assignments to turn in “any time before the end of November.”  The end of November is getting a lot closer.

So, I have to focus.  I have to get a grip and work through being tired.

That doesn’t make me special.  It makes me like everyone else who finds themselves overcommitted from time to time.  I know quite a few other people who are pretty much in the same place as I am.

So in the spirit of writing what I know, that’s why you’re getting this today.

I realize it does not contain the usual brilliance and doesn’t even really have a good snark.  Those will be back. Give me a couple of days.

For now, we press on, because I’m not dead, yet.

ExhaustionLifePainWriting and Business