We interrupt this regularly scheduled post

Brilliance delayed.

I was working on a post for this morning. I wrote about half of it last night and set the alarm for 5:00 this morning to finish. But the tinnitus is screaming, the arthritis is flaring and I’ve already cleaned up dog poo.

That’s just life. And I’m on my way to the YMCA to work on the arthritis.

Truth is, what I’m writing is going to take more thought and development than I can give it this morning. So, there’s that.

Last night, I officially graduated from the Biblical Training Program at the Christian Counseling and Training Center. I managed to finish the three-year program in seven years. I have a few requirements to finish out before it’s really official. But, I’m almost there.

So the question is…now what? You know, because I don’t have enough to do already. Let’s just say I’m still figuring things out.

But enough of that. It’s Tuesday and there’s work to be done. Hopefully my work day won’t start like yesterday when I found myself in the wrong place at the wrong time. It worked out, but not without me feeling like an idiot.

Last night ended with my screen blurring as I watched the Emmy Awards. Billy Crystal gave a beautiful tribute to his friend, Robin Williams.

If you missed it, you should watch:


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