Can LinkedIn help you find a job?

That’s a question I’d like to know the answer to.

We’ve all heard the stories about people losing their jobs because of pictures or comments posted on Facebook. And we’ve heard how employers are checking out social media profiles before making job offers.

It’s simple folks. Let’s be careful out there. Anything you put on the Interent, including six months of IRS emails, is never really gone.

But social media can also be a helpful tool in advancing your career. Those who used LinkedIn are talking a more serious approach to careers and using the site as a networking opportunity to increase business and perhaps land a new job.

Here are some things to consider if you’re using LinkedIn to job search.

Complete your profile. Don’t leave sections empty or partially completed. You’ll be seen by more people and generate more interest.

Join groups. This is helpful for sharing information as well as for getting your profile to be viewed. You need to have a visible presence.

Check out the jobs listing. This should be a no brainer.

Use your connections wisely. Don’t connect to someone just because they’re suggested. LinkedIn is actually good about asking how you know someone, so that’s helpful. But don’t connect to everyone, just those you know or those who may be helpful in your career search or business.

Participate in the Q&A. Again, it’s about being visible.
Share updates. No, do not post your Instagram of lunch. But include things like business activities (becareful not to overpost regarding your employer), volunteer work or awards.

Share articles and advice that may be helpful to those in a similar field. Again, don’t share every article. Be selective and perhaps add a sentence or two as to why you thought this particular piece was helpful.

Recommendations. It’s a two way street. You can ask people to recommend you. But you can also encourage this process by recommending others.

Check out the events that are happening in your area. You can generally see which of your connections may be attending and decide if it would be worth your time.

Don’t be shy about reaching out to those in your network via messaging or emails. But make sure you’re not wasting your contact’s time. If you’re job searching, be specific. And, always be polite.

These are just some suggestions on how to make the LinkedIn experience work for you. The list is far from exhaustive.

Have you received a job offer through LinkedIn? Do you find it worthwhile?

Share your thoughts in the comments below.


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BusinessEmploymentJobLinkedInNetworkingWriting and Business