Don’t read me the wrong way

I haven’t read a thing on my 2014 reading list.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I haven’t been reading. In fact, I set my Goodreads challenge for 40 books this year. The year is just about half over and I’ve read 25 books.

I’m currently in the middle of three more.

But I realized last week that none of the 25 that I’ve read are on that list I made back in December. I have work to do. There’s some good stuff on that list. And, by the way, I do have a birthday coming up. The list is good for gift suggestions.

No, in fact I do not have any shame.

I went back to the list last week after reading a G.K. Chesterton quote. One of the things I said is that I wanted to start reading his work.

And I extended that this week to say that I need to read more C.S. Lewis (always), more Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Chesterton.

In the meantime I’m re-reading my way through the Shannara books by Terry Brooks. I read most of them years ago, and I wanted to work my way back through. I won’t finish that this year, but I’ll keep working at it.

A friend mentioned this week that she’s watching her way through the Harry Potter films. That’s cool. But it made me want to re-read the books.

And, of course, it’s always appropriate to take another read through The Lord of the Rings.

Here’s what I know. Reading makes me a better writer. I wish I had more time to do both. As it is, I have to make the time. Time to write. Time to read.

I’ll be carting off a stack of books to the beach later this summer. Perhaps the Potter books.

What’s on your reading list?

And, while we’re talking beach and reading, you need this. You can buy it at The Write Side Shop.

Book ChallengeGoodreadsReadingWriting and Business