Let’s talk about irregularity

This post is not about what you think it is.

I’m not talking about that kind of irregularity. I’m talk about writing irregularity. Or at least blogging.

Experts, many of them self-proclaimed, disagree on how often you need to post on your blog. Some say daily. Some weekly. Some say to just write when you have something to say.

Personally, I’d like to post here daily. Otherwise, people tend to forget I have a blog. My friends over at the Examiner.com send me a fish in a newspaper if I haven’t posted in about two weeks. They mean well.

I wrote a couple of weeks ago that not currently being in a show would give me more free time for writing. Then I got asked to participate in a Good Friday presentation at church. After that I joined the chorus of The Tender Land to be presented by Capitol Opera Richmond in a couple of weeks. Then I was offered a walk-on role in Salome at TheatreLAB which goes up a week after The Tender Land.

What was that about not being in a show? And did I mention that I may go to an audition on Monday night?

In the meantime, I’ve watched both seasons of House of Cards and am halfway through Season 3 of Breaking Bad. And let me just say, turning a reformed political junkee on to House of Cards is not unlike turning another type of junkee on to crystal meth. See what I did there? I should get bonus points for making the cultural references fit the story.

Don’t get me wrong. I actually have been writing. But it’s the industrial writing, not the love of writing for writing’s sake writing. Still, it’s the writing for which I (currently) get paid. So that’s a priority. That includes the technical assignment that’s currently kicking my butt. But my novel, my inspirational writing and my brilliant commentary have had to take a back seat to all of this business.

Well except for the Breaking Bad business. In that case it would be more like it was locked up in the trunk of an old car parked in a Mexican desert. Or something. Speaking of ways to make money…

No, wait, that’s ridiculous (but darn good TV).

So, the writing suffers.

I tell myself that it’s circumstances, that it’s because I don’t have the right equipment. I tell myself that if I had an iPad I could carry it with me and write in all the downtime I have at different places. Perhaps. But that’s a luxury item, and one that currently just doesn’t fit the budget.

Today is believed to be William Shakespeare’s 450th birthday (actually April 26 if you count from the day he was baptized). Will managed to do quite well without an IPad. Still, I’m no William Shakespeare. Although if you’re a casting director, I could rock me some iambic pentameter. Just sayin’.

The point is that I have the tools I need to write on a regular basis. I just need to use them. Nothing is stopping me.

Well, maybe the convenience of Netflix. I have determined that it takes approximately three episodes of Breaking Bad to write a 600 word op-ed piece.

It’s as though someone should write about distracted writing awareness. Oh wait. I did.

Image: Marco Sama via Unsplash

DistractionTimeWriting and Business