Today is World Water Day

And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.
~ Matthew 10:42

You turn the faucet on, clean water comes out. Or at least water that’s been treated to be clean.

You open another plastic bottle.

You pour water through your filter.

Water is life’s source and yet we take it for granted.

Today is World Water Day. Millions of people around the world have no access to clean water.

Here are ways we can help:

Gospel for Asia is hoping for resources to build 5,000 wells in 2014.

Widow’s Mite Experience has funded over 400 wells so far.

Also check out:


Toast to Water

Clean water for everyone. It’s not a liberal cause. It’s not a conservative cause. It’s not a Christian cause.

It’s a human cause.

And if, like me, you’re a writer:

“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.”
– Louis L’Amour

Today I’m writing about water. Because people need to know. Because we need to stop and think.

Water is a precious resource. Don’t waste it.

And, if you can, help those who don’t have it.
